Sunday, November 14, 2021


They say watching the ocean for 7 minutes will realign your mind – I’m not sure if that’s true, but my reasons this day for staring at the dark grey deep, was not really about re-aligning my mind. It was an extremely heavy water winter cape storm day – the stretch of coast I had frantically decided upon was wild and very rugged – the kind of remote coast that one could very easily be disappeared.

I was watching a particular area of reef that appeared to be a malevolent cauldron of raw open ocean swell, violently setting upon the shore, as if destroying every molecule of rock was its life’s only mission.

I was watching the ocean surge and gargle deeply as every new swell sucked the reef completely dry and then set upon the exposed rock with such ferocity once again the very ground, I was standing on would shudder.

I suddenly noticed a crab within this cauldron of complete mayhem – it was making its way into the very heart of the oceanic nuclear explosion. The exact point of detonation that would render all living things utterly vaporized. With every swell washing over the bare rock, I would wait until the wild water would pull back and I would frantically search for the brave little creature in the midst of this extreme danger. I almost felt guilty that i was witnessing this don coyote moment, where the windmill was really a force 7 mutant hurricane.

The little crab seemed to survive several phenomenally intense barrages of the open ocean sea. However, the last time I ever saw the little creature alive, was a second of time frozen within my cranium. The creature seemed to stop and through the extreme mayhem happening round it, looked back at me with a conscious moment of complete clarity. I was very much on the safety of dry land; the little crab was frozen in its reality intensity of the extreme moment. For that brief split second, we were both very much alive. A much larger than usual wave surge impacted that exposed reef and I immediately knew the little crab had been completely obliterated.

I imagined tiny pincers, a carapace, stalk eyes, nails and flesh completely eviscerated by an extremely angry grey ocean.

Many years after that exact moment, I was again reminded of that little out of its depth crab – the mind is an interesting maze of accumulated information. We pull from its mystery value only when we really need to rely on and understand its full circle of life meaning.

I had had an incredible meal – the steak I had ordered had come from the exact steak house I used to frequent many years previously. I acutely remember the after taste of the pepper sauce I so loved. If I closed my eyes, I could remember the minute detail of the roaring fireplace, The bar counter, even the route to the toilet through a maze of passages through the door next to the kitchen.

I found myself once again staring into what appeared to be, in this case a calm cruel ocean surface.  As I stared into its mirrored surface, I noticed what can only be described as very angry condemnatory eyes, angrily staring back at me.

The pristine mirror surface showed a metal cranium cap, and I could not move an inch. However, it was the nature of the eyes through the veil that caught my full attention and for a brief second in time, I identified with the little completely vulnerable crab, who found itself in the now fully understood nuclear zone.  As I was looking back at myself, looking at the crab, in that split 7 seconds before the complete mayhem would overtake all my senses.

Monday, July 5, 2021

the greatest heist in any planets history

This story is not about a place any where near to you, or even from a planet your vaguely familiar with, its a story about a mythical land of many islands. On perhaps a soon to be discovered world planet far, far away. 

Who will discover this planet of water filled with many islands, you might wonder?  well, to be honest, you will, of course. 

The scales might just fall off your fused eyes and you will suddenly for the very first time see this completely mythical secret land of islands in front of your vision. Perhaps through a telescope set up in your back yard. So your discovery would not be magically apparent like the kings new clothes, it will be more like the exact to the second moment 99% of Mr. Bernie's many wealthy clients, suddenly discovered the truth behind his incredible promise of immediate wealth story. 

This very far fetched mythical story I am about to tell goes like this. There once was an extremely vain ruler,  of a vastly wealthy,  mineral rich island, on this mythical planet far, far away. He didn't really get to power with any major skills or wit , he couldn't really even count, not even just a little bit.  However what counted in this rulers favor was he did posses large amounts of cunning,  so much cunning in fact,  he boasted to himself, that nobody could ever fool him. Because he was far to cunningly clever by half. He felt by half because a whole would be far to conceited. He did after all have important standards that he lived by.

Anyway the ruler looked across the vast waters surrounding his island and noticed the vast wealth of the other islands around him. These other islands had immense wealth. Not mineral wealth in the ground like his own island because their islands did not sit amongst the vastly rich mineral geological veins, like the cunning rulers land. These other islands had every single other thing paper money and zeros on a screen could buy - immeasurable wealth,  vast riches that only a fantastically vain ruler could use to elevate his immense vanity, beyond any planets simple measure. What they really touted above all the wealth,  was a ticker tape parade, where an approved cunning ruler would ride down the middle of each adjoining islands main capitol street. While everyone clapped and fawned and praised him and threw little bits of paper from very high buildings down on the passing entourage. 

For such an extremely vain cunning ruler , this was incredibly the most desirable thing to ever be imagined. 

His desire for these riches he beheld on the islands adjoining,  became a very deep obsession. To obtain this ticker tape fame and wealth from these other rich islands, the ruler would even sell off the birth rights of his future grandchildren for a bowl of fame like soup. All he had, to his knowledge was roughed out minerals, deep in the ground, gold , diamonds and rubies and valuable items, lying on the surface of the ground and his island had rich arable soil for farming. Oh and it was situated in an incredible rain fall area. His single island could feed the entire chain of other islands many times over, if it was farmed correctly.  What the ruler also had, was vast man power, enough man power to completely dominate the unknown planet of islands far, far away. 

So the ruler decided to see how he could extract some of this incredible wealth from the united islands around him. So he approached the very secret, Planets Wealth Control Board. (PWCB) a very secretive board of wealthy bankers, who where the sons of the sons of the men who first secretly met many hundreds of years previously. To create a wealth platform linked to art, money, a fort of gold and to bits of coin and zeros on a computer screen. They carefully listened to the cunning rulers plea - they looked at what the cunning ruler was willing to put on the table - and they secretly deliberated. 

They sat in their secretly held meetings and held a few public conferences, they then thought it best to hold another important trade meeting, in a meeting hall on an island on the other side of the cunning rulers land. They even stopped over at the dead of night, to taste the soil with pinched lips and noses to the sky. The cunning ruler was getting very anxious and his fat fingers and bulging eyes along with 4 rolls of fat at the back of his neck, quivered in complete expectation of the vast wealth and the all important ticker tape parade, he now could very much see himself participating in. 

In his vision, he was dressed in a colorful suit on the back of a limo, driving down a famous neighboring island street, while everyone waved and nodded their heads and clapped, while small bits of shiny paper fell all around him. He was smiling and waving and he was so very, very happy. The absolute complete respect all the faces showed him was palpable in his vision of the future. 

Eventually the PWCB got back to him - they said the taste of his soil and what he offered was not worth giving him the vast wealth they had and the very important ticker tape parade was immediately cancelled - his request was DENIED!!!

This infuriated the ruler that his eyes bulged and he immediately ate 21 plates of fatty red soup, so that he developed a 5th fat role on the back of his neck. This 5th roll popped out above the other 4 rolls , on the part of the head where there is not much skin. He was very proud of this 5th role of head fat and he learnt to look at himself in the mirror, so he could see roll number 5. He very proudly watched how the 5th fat roll glistened in the light of the far off planets sun.

He went back to the very secret PWCB and said,  my island has vast  manpower, that I can give you. The PWCB said they will consider the new terms,  but the manpower must be pushed from behind,  not pulled from the front. So the ruler set about creating ungovernable areas of his island, where he didn't like the people anyway, areas which where once peaceful but suddenly over night became war torn and lawless. This started the displacement pushing of the manpower across the vast waters and the PWCB where now most happy.

Yes, because vastly wealthy islands could not be concerned about the business of mundane manual work. Vastly wealthy islands sought to rather busy themselves with the very important things in life. Important things like watching TV and making sure it was all based on real life. Everyone watched reality TV because it was more real than the lives they led.

So the PWCB had additional secret meetings and a few seminars and one or 2 important emerging island embargoes. This time they invited the cunning ruler (CR) to sit outside the meeting hall, so they could deliberate some more. He was very chuffed and made sure he sat in the sun directly opposite the mirror and closest to the door so his magnificence would not be missed or lost when they exited.

But nobody entered or left , accept a very small man came out of a small secret side door of the meeting hall and beckoned the ruler around the corner. He whispered in hushed tones that they had agreed in secret that he could have his vast wealth of money. The little unassuming man asked the ruler if he had a computer linked to a bank account. The ruler did indeed have such a thing. The little man said the ruler must give him the number to his personal bank account. Which of course the cunning ruler immediately did. The little man further said the PWCB had no need for the money to be paid back in the same given cash transfer method and in paper money. However the PWCB would only accept return payment in the very dirty minerals that lay deep under the soil of the rulers island. The cunning ruler immediately agreed,  all the while rubbing his fat fingered hands together and looking at himself in the reflection of the window. He noticed a rising bulging 6th fat roll on his neck in the reflection. Oh how proud he was of his amazing cunning ability and the beauty of his swelling large face. 

Oh yes, how cunning he was - to have got all this paper wealth and zeros on a computer screen for just dirt - he signed all the documents and then asked when he could have his ticker tape parade? The little mans nose twitched and crinkled as he transferred the vast wealth into the computer account of the cunning ruler. The zeros where so many the first computer couldn't handle all the zeros and they had to get a million other computers to showcase all the remaining zeros.

The very cunning ruler went home with his vast wealth on his many new computers , now guarded heavily by his newly acquired PWCB police force. They started the digging process immediately on the cunning rulers island and made sure those who remained on the island , who hadn't yet swum over the sea, worked very hard for free by digging up all the minerals they could. The PWCB secretly over saw the entire operation and as the holes got deeper, nobody planted crops in the very rich soil, nobody farmed the rich island lands. Everybody just now dug holes and handed over minerals. If anyone complained, they where put under the soil that they had just been digging up. More and more people risked swimming over to all the other islands around. Risked sharks, risked trafficker's, risked death  to get away from the carefully crafted greed machine plundering the very depths of the cunning rulers island earth. 

The other islands said shame what a pitiful bunch are those from that island, the PWCB denied knowing who was responsible for digging up all the soil. Everyone just said shame, what a very sad potential island.  The cunning ruler got so fat his thirteenth fat roll burst on his head and he died of septicemia. The digging of the soil was given over to generation after generation, nobody even knew where the computers where. The computers with all the zeros on them. However what was visible was the holes that got much deeper , the man power fled in vast numbers and the islands around got upset because they where now becoming very crowded. 

Everyone on all the other islands just wanted the wealth of the paper money and all the zeros on the computer screen. Everyone it seemed wanted the ticker tape parade and the fame to be on real TV for 5 minutes. Biting, scratching and slurping fifteen minutes of fame, while walking around with beautiful bodies surgically enhanced to showcase the light of a thousand cameras. Hollywood smiles that didn't ever change, even when the fame hungry participants started to really cry. 

So the newly secretly elected PWCB built an invisible island far away from the rest of the other islands and then secretly released a viscous virus on the rest. One that would render a new world order and start a ground zero Adam and Eve scenario. With just selected genetics going forward because vast wealth paves the way for vast scientific advances. Carefully cherry picking the best brains, with the best physical attributes. 

Very fortunately for you , this is just a complete mythical story on a planet very far, far away 

Very fortunately the telescope your currently looking through,  from the vantage point of your back garden and the scales fused on your eyes,  tell you this story is completely impossible.

If your very small telescope could currently register that this story could possibly be much closer to home than one thinks. We all would be in a great deal of trouble, would you not think? 

Well not if your one of the few PWCB members secretly meeting in a trades embargo on a secretly developed island , with a very secret side door and a tiny little man to negotiate between the very greedy and the extremely cunning.