Monday, February 24, 2025

Artistic creativity is doing words

New creative built environment creative design ideas are one of the hardest seeds to sow in a closed minded environment. 

So to try and leapfrog the present to try present a possible future built environment landscape is the domain of a very few. ive fortunately met many of these dynamic type creative thinkers. They hide amongst the masses fearful of putting pen to paper due to the visceral backlash of being accused of seeing artistically differently.

To get through the pure and absolute hostility of the design artist critic is the huge challenge. You know the type of angry critics, they are everyone with a hostile negative first thinking mindset. Its a creative virus much more prevalent than you might think. Here at wildetecture we dont much care about the dangetous critic virus. 

If you dont have a thick tough skin, you really have no place being a creative artist. Because sadly you will whilt, die and turn a boring shade of complete dull the moment you play into the spite fueled critics blood in the water feeding frenzy. So Dont ever let those who dont share your artistic minds eye steer you away from expressing what you alone can see. Rather use your artistic fervor to ignite an inferno of future thinking design ideas. This can be done by simply turning on your creative design switch. Its there in the back of your mind, past all the negative thinking, next to the, you can do it button. There you go, now go make something beautiful.